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About Game

 Game dari Tujuan Penggunaan terdiri dari:

Saat membicarakan klasifikasi game, umumnya kita mungkin akan membaginya berdasarkan platform (board game, card game, PC, mobile, konsol), genre (action, adventure, role-playing, strategy), atau tema (fantasi, sejarah, olahraga). Tapi ada juga klasifikasi lain lho gamers, yaitu berdasarkan tujuan penggunaannya.
Untuk apa saja sih tujuan penggunaan game? Ternyata tidak hanya sekedar fun. Game juga digunakan untuk keperluan lain dengan tujuan yang bisa dibilang serius. Ini dia klasifikasinya!

Game as Game

Jenis game yang satu ini adalah jenis game yang paling umum kita temui. Tujuan utama dari game jenis ini adalah kesenangan dan fun!

Game as Media

Jenis game as media punya tujuan utama yang berbeda dari jenis game as game, walau kadang juga tetap memiliki unsur fun. Tujuan utama dari game as media adalah untuk menyampaikan pesan tertentu, memanfaatkan game sebagai medium si pesan. Isi dan cara penyampaian pesan ini tergantung pada keinginan sang desainer game dan target yang dikejar.
Contoh umum dari game as media adalah game yang termasuk dalam serious game, seperti advergame, edutainment atau edugame, exergame, simulasi, dan lainnya. Jenis game ini bisa diimplementasikan pada bidang-bidang yang lebih luas, seperti marketing, pendidikan, dan lain-lain.

Game Beyond Game

Terakhir adalah game beyond game, atau bisa disebut juga dengan istilah gamification. Gamification adalah penerapan konsep atau cara berpikir game design ke dalam lingkup non-game. Bentuk gamification sendiri pun biasanya tidak berupa game, misalnya sistem reward dari poin yang dikumpulkan dengan berbelanja, atau lainnya. Sama seperti serious game, gamification bisa diterapkan dalam beberapa bidang yang lebih umum seperti seni, pendidikan, jurnalisme, bisnis, dan lainnya.

1. Arcade games, yaitu yang sering disebut ding-dong di Indonesia, biasanya berada di daerah / tempat khusus dan memiliki box atau mesin yang memang khusus di design untuk jenis video games tertentu dan tidak jarang bahkan memiliki fitur yang dapat membuat pemainnya lebih merasa “masuk” dan “menikmati”, seperti pistol, kursi khusus, sensor gerakan, sensor injakkan dan stir mobil (beserta transmisinya tentunya).
2. PC Games , yaitu video game yang dimainkan menggunakan Personal Computers.
3. Console games, yaitu video games yang dimainkan menggunakan console tertentu, seperti Playstation 2, Playstation 3, XBOX 360, dan Nintendo Wii.
4. Handheld games, yaitu yang dimainkan di console khusus video game yang dapat dibawa kemana-mana, contoh Nintendo DS dan Sony PSP.
5. Mobile games, yaitu yang dapat dimainkan atau khusus untuk mobile phone atau PDA.
1. Aksi – Shooting, (tembak-tembakan , atau hajar-hajaran bisa juga tusuk-tusukan, tergantung cerita dan tokoh di dalamnya), video game jenis ini sangat memerlukan kecepatan refleks, koordinasi mata-tangan, juga timing, inti dari game jenis ini adalah tembak, tembak dan tembak. Termasuk didalam-nya :
a. First person shooting (FPS) seperti Counter Strike dan Call of Duty
b. Drive n’ shoot, menggunakan unsur simulasi kendaraan tetapi tetap dengan tujuan utama menembak dan menghancurkan lawan, contoh : Spy Hunter, Rock and Roll Racing, Road Rash.
c. Shoot em’ up, seperti Raiden, 1942, dan gradius.
d. Beat ‘em up (tonjok hajar) seperti Double Dragon dan Final Fight, lalu hack and slash (tusuk tebas) seperti Shinobi dan Legend of Kage.
e. Light gun shooting, yang menggunakan alat yang umumnya berbentuk seperti senjata, seperti Virtua Cop dan Time Crisis.
2. Fighting ( pertarungan ) Ada yang mengelompokan video game fighting di bagian Aksi, namun penulis berpendapat berbeda, jenis ini memang memerlukan kecepatan refleks dan koordinasi mata-tangan, tetapi inti dari game ini adalah penguasaan jurus (hafal caranya dan lancar mengeksekusinya), pengenalan karakter dan timing sangatlah penting, o iya, combo-pun menjadi esensial untuk mengalahkan lawan secepat mungkin. Dan berbeda seperti game Aksi pada umumnya yang umumnya hanya melawan Artificial Intellegence atau istilah umumnya melawan komputer saja, pemain jenis fighting game ini baru teruji kemampuan sesungguhnya dengan melawan pemain lainnya. Seri Street Fighter, Tekken, Mortal Kombat, Soul Calibur dan King of Fighter adalah contohnya.
3. Aksi – Petualangan. Memasuki gua bawah tanah, melompati bebatuan di antara lahar, bergelayutan dari pohon satu ke pohon lain, bergulat dengan ular sambil mencari kunci untuk membuka pintu kuil legendaris, atau sekedar mencari telepon umum untuk mendapatkan misi berikutnya, itulah beberapa dari banyak hal yang karakter pemain harus lakukan dan lalui dalam video game jenis ini. Menurut penulis, game jenis ini sudah berkembang jauh hingga menjadi genre campuran action beat-em up juga, dan sekarang, di tahun 2000 an, jenis ini cenderung untuk memiliki visual 3D dan sudut pandang orang ke-tiga. Tomb Rider, Grand Theft Auto dan Prince of Persia termasuk didalamnya.
4. Petualangan. Bedanya dengan jenis video game aksi-petualangan, refleks dan kelihaian pemain dalam bergerak, berlari, melompat hingga memecut atau menembak tidak diperlukan di sini. Video Game murni petualangan lebih menekankan pada jalan cerita dan kemampuan berpikir pemain dalam menganalisa tempat secara visual, memecahkan teka-teki maupun menyimpulkan rangkaian peristiwa dan percakapan karakter hingga penggunaan benda-benda tepat pada tempat yang tepat. Termasuk didalamnya:
a. Petualangan dengan teks atau sistem tunjuk dan klik, contoh: Kings Quest, Space Quest, Heroes Quest, Monkey Island, Sam and Max,
b.Novel atau film interaktif, seperti game “dating” yang banyak beredar di jepang, Dragons Lair dan Night Trap.
5. Simulasi, Konstruksi dan manajemen. Video Game jenis ini seringkali menggambarkan dunia di dalamnya sedekat mungkin dengan dunia nyata dan memperhatikan dengan detil berbagai faktor. Dari mencari jodoh dan pekerjaan, membangun rumah, gedung hingga kota, mengatur pajak dan dana kota hingga keputusan memecat atau menambah karyawan. Dunia kehidupan rumah tangga sampai bisnis membangun konglomerasi, dari jualan limun pinggir jalan hingga membangun laboratorium cloning. Video Game jenis ini membuat pemain harus berpikir untuk mendirikan, membangun dan mengatasi masalah dengan menggunakan dana yang terbatas. Contoh: Sim City, The Sims, Tamagotchi.
6. Role Playing. Video game jenis ini sesuai dengan terjemahannya, bermain peran, memiliki penekanan pada tokoh/peran perwakilan pemain di dalam permainan, yang biasanya adalah tokoh utamanya, dimana seiring kita memainkannya, karakter tersebut dapat berubah dan berkembang ke arah yang diinginkan pemain ( biasanya menjadi semakin hebat, semakin kuat, semakin berpengaruh, dll) dalam berbagai parameter yang biasanya ditentukan dengan naiknya level, baik dari status kepintaran, kecepatan dan kekuatan karakter, senjata yang semakin sakti, ataupun jumlah teman maupun mahluk peliharaan.Secara kebudayaan, pengembang game Jepang biasanya membuat Role Playing Game (RPG) ke arah cerita linear yang diarahkan seolah karakter kita adalah tokoh dalam cerita itu, seperti Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest dan Xenogears. Sedangkan pengembang game RPG Eropa, cenderung membuat karakter kita bebas memilih jalan cerita sendiri secara non-linear, seperti Ultima, Never Winter Nights, baldurs gate, Elder Scroll, dan Fallout.
7. Strategi. Kebalikan dari video game jenis action yang berjalan cepat dan perlu refleks secepat kilat, video game jenis strategi, layaknya bermain catur, justru lebih memerlukan keahlian berpikir dan memutuskan setiap gerakan secara hati-hati dan terencana. Video game strategi biasanya memberikan pemain atas kendali tidak hanya satu orang tapi minimal sekelompok orang dengan berbagai jenis tipe kemampuan, sampai kendaraan, bahkan hingga pembangunan berbagai bangunan, pabrik dan pusal pelatihan tempur, tergantung dari tema ceritanya. Pemain game strategi melihat dari sudut pandang lebih meluas dan lebih kedepan dengan waktu permainan yang biasanya lebih lama dan santai dibandingkan game action. Unsur-unsur permainannya biasanya berkisar sekitar, prioritas pembangunan, peletakan pasukan, mencari dan memanfaatkan sumberdaya (uang, besi, kayu,minyak,dll), hingga ke pembelian dan peng-upgrade-an pasukan atau teknologi. Game jenis ini terbagi atas:
a.Real time Strategy, game berjalan dalam waktu sebenarnya dan serentak antara semua pihak dan pemain harus memutuskan setiap langkah yang diambil saat itu juga berbarengan mungkin saat itu pihak lawan juga sedang mengeksekusi strateginya. Contoh: Starcraft, Warcraft , dan Command and Conquer.
b.Turn based Strategy , game yang berjalan secara bergiliran, saat kita mengambil keputusan dan menggerakan pasukan, saat itu pihak lawan menunggu, begitu pula sebaliknya, layaknya catur.
contoh: Front Mission, Super robot wars, Final Fantasy tactics, Heroes of might and magic, Master of Orion.
Sebenarnya ada yang memilah lagi menjadi jenis tactical dan strategi, namun penulis cenderung untuk menggabungkannya karena perbedaannya hanya ada di masalah skala dan ke-kompleks-an dalam manajemen sumber daya-nya saja.
8. Puzzle. Video game jenis ini sesuai namanya berintikan mengenai pemecahan teka-teki, baik itu menyusun balok, menyamakan warna bola, memecahkan perhitungan matematika, melewati labirin, sampai mendorong-dorong kota masuk ke tempat yang seharusnya, itu semua termasuk dalam jenis ini. Sering pula permainan jenis ini adalah juga unsur permainan dalam video game petualangan maupun game edukasi. Tetris, Minesweeper, Bejeweled, Sokoban dan Bomberman.
9. Simulasi kendaraan. Video Game jenis ini memberikan pengalaman atau interaktifitas sedekat mungkin dengan kendaraan yang aslinya, muskipun terkadang kendaraan tersebut masih eksperimen atau bahkan fiktif, tapi ada penekanan khusus pada detil dan pengalaman realistik menggunakan kendaraan tersebut. Terbagi atas beberapa jenis:
a. Perang. Video game simulasi kendaraan yang sempat tenar di tahun 90-an ini mengajak pemain untuk menaiki kendaraan dan berperang melawan kendaraan lainnya. Dan kebanyakan diantaranya memiliki judul sama dengan nama kendaraannya. Contoh : Apache 64, Comanche, Abrams, YF-23, F-16 fighting eagle.
b. Balapan. Dari namanya sudah jelas, siapa sampai duluan di garis finish dialah pemenangnya! Terkadang malah pemain dapat memilih kendaraan, mendandani, upgrade mesin bahkan mengecatnya. Contoh: Top Gear, Test Drive, Sega Rally Championship, Daytona, Grand Turismo, Need For Speed, Mario Cart, ManXTT.
c. Luar Angkasa. Walau masih dapat dikategorikan simulasi kendaraan perang, tetapi segala unsur fiksi ilmiah dan banyaknya judul yang beredar membuat subgenre ini pantas dikategorikan diluar simulasi kendaraan perang. Jenis ini memungkinkan pemain untuk menjelajah luar angkasa, berperang dengan mahluk alien, mendarat di planet antah berantah atau sekedar ingin merasakan bagaimana menjadi kapten di film fiksi ilmiah kesayangan kamu. Contoh: Wing Commander, Freelancer , Star Wars X-Wing, Star Wars Tie Fighter, dll.
d. Mecha. Pendapat bahwa hampir tidak ada orang yang terekspos oleh film robot jepang saat kecilnya tidak memimpikan ingin mengendalikan robot, memang sulit dibantah. Dipopulerkan oleh serial Mechwarrior oleh Activision, subgenre Simulasi Mecha ini memungkinkan pemainnya untuk mengendalikan robot dan menggunakannya untuk menghancurkan gedung, helikopter dan tentu saja robot lainnya. Contoh: Mechwarrior, Gundam Last war Chronicles, dan Armored Core.
10. Olahraga. Singkat padat jelas, bermain sport di PC atau konsol anda. Biasanya permainannya diusahakan serealistik mungkin walau kadang ada yang menambah unsur fiksi seperti NBA JAM. Contohnya pun jelas, Seri Winning Eleven, seri NBA, seri FIFA, John Madden NFL, Lakers vs Celtics, Tony hawk pro skater, dll.
1. Multiplayer Online.
Game yang lagi trend di Indonesia bahkan dunia,menjadi salah satu titik balik mengapa dunia game dan internet di Indonesia dapat berkembang. Dan karena dimainkan online dan dengan sistem pembayaran menggunakan voucher, pembajakan sudah tidak menjadi masalah lagi. Game yang dapat dimainkan secara bersamaan oleh lebih dari 2 orang (bahkan dapat mencapai puluhan ribu orang dalam satu waktu) membuat pemain dapat bermain bersama dalam satu dunia virtual dari sekedar chatting hingga membunuh naga bersama teman yang entah bermain di mana. Umumnya permainan tipe ini dimainkan di PC dan bertema RPG, walau ada juga yang bertema music atau action. Contoh: Ragnarok online, O2jam, World of Warcraft, Ayo Dance, Lineage, Rose online
2. Casual games. Sesuai namanya, game yang casual itu tidak kompleks, mainnya rileks dan sangat mudah untuk dipelajari (bahkan cenderung langsung bisa dimainkan). Jenis ini biasanya memerlukan spesifikasi komputer yang standar pada jamannya dan ukurannya tidak lebih dari 100 MB karena biasanya dapat di download versi demo-nya di website resminya. Genre permainannya biasanya puzzle atau action sederhana dan umumnya dapat dimainkan hanya menggunakan mouse (biasanya game lain menggunakan banyak tombol tergantung game-nya). Contoh: Diner Dash, Sally Salon, Bejeweled, Zuma, Feeding Frenzy, Insaniquarium.
3. Edugames. Video Game jenis ini dibuat dengan tujuan spesifik sebagai alat pendidikan, entah untuk belajr mengenal warna untuk balita, mengenal huruf dan angka, matematika, sampai belajar bahasa asing. Developer yang membuatnya, harus memperhitungkan berbagai hal agar game ini benar-benar dapat mendidik, menambah pengetahuan dan meningkatkan ketrampilan yang memainkannya. Target segmentasi pemain harus pula disesuaikan dengan tingkat kesulitan dan design visual ataupun animasinya. Contoh edugames : Bobi Bola, Dora the explorer, Petualangan Billy dan Tracy.
4. Advergames. Sering mengunjungi website merek-merek kesayangan anda? Permen coklat M&M, Coca-cola, Nike, A-Mild, atau Rexona? Anda pasti menemukan game-game yang dapat dimainkan lalu dapat anda beritahukan / mengundang langsung ke teman-teman anda. jenis game yang biasanya mudah dimainkan ini mengusung dan menampilkan produk atau brand mereka baik secara gamblang maupun tersembunyi. Di era tumbuhnya media-media baru berteknologi tinggi sekarang ini, dunia periklanan memang sudah tidak lagi terbatas pada TV, koran, majalah, billboard dan radio, video game sekarang telah menjadi sarana beriklan atau membangun brand-awareness yang efektif. Baik melalui internet maupun di mainkan di event-event mereka, edugames terasa semakin dibutuhkan untuk menjaring calon konsumen bagi produk yang menggunakan advergames ini. Contoh produk di indonesia yang membuat advergames: A-Mild, Rexona teens, Axe


Games of the Purpose of Use consists of:

When talking about the classification of games, generally we might divide it by the platform (board games, card games, PC, mobile, console), genre (action, adventure, role-playing, strategy), or themes (fantasy, history, sports). But there are also other classifications know gamers, which is based on the intended use.

For what purpose does the game use? It was not just fun. Games are also used for other purposes with the goal that could be considered serious. Here it is the classification!
Game as Game

This type of game that one is the most common type of games we have encountered. The main purpose of this type of game is a pleasure and fun!
Games as Media

Type of game as the media has a different primary goal of this type of games as games, though sometimes also still have an element of fun. The main goal of the game as the media is to convey a specific message, utilizing the game as the medium the message. The content and methods of delivery of this message depends on the wishes of the game designers and targets being pursued.

Common examples of games as media is a game that is included in the serious games, like advergame, edutainment or edugame, exergame, simulation, and others. This type of game can be implemented in the areas of broader, such as marketing, education, and others.
Game Beyond Games

The latter is a game beyond the game, or can be referred to by the term gamification. Gamification is the application of the concept or way of thinking game design into the realm of non-game. Forms of gamification itself was usually not be a game, for example, the reward system of points accumulated by shopping, or other. Just as serious games, gamification can be applied in some of the more common areas such as the arts, education, journalism, business, and others.

1. Arcade games, which are often called ding-dong in Indonesia, usually located in the area / special place and have a box or a machine that is specifically designed for certain types of video games and often even has a feature that can make players feel more "enter "and" enjoy ", like a gun, a special chair, motion sensors, sensor grind and steering wheel (with the transmission of course).
2. PC Games, the video games that are played using the Personal Computers.
3. Console games, namely video games are played using the console, such as the Playstation 2, Playstation 3, Xbox 360, and Nintendo Wii.
4. Handheld games, which are played in a special console video games that can be taken anywhere, examples of Nintendo DS and Sony PSP.
5. Mobile games, which can be played or specifically for the mobile phone or PDA.

1. Action - Shooting, (shooting, or beat-chastening can also prick-puncture, depending on the story and the characters in it), the video game is in need of this type of reflex speed, eye-hand coordination, as well as the timing, the core of the game types this is shoot, shoot and shoot. Including:
a. First person shooting (FPS) such as Counter Strike and Call of Duty
b. Drive n 'shoot, using a vehicle simulation elements but still with the main goal to shoot and destroy the opponent, for example: Spy Hunter, Rock and Roll Racing, Road Rash.
c. Shoot 'em up, like Raiden, 1942, and Gradius.
d. Beat 'em up (punch beat) like Double Dragon and Final Fight, and hack and slash (stab slash) as Shinobi and Legend of Kage.
e. Light gun shooting, which uses tools that are generally shaped like a weapon, like Virtua Cop and Time Crisis.

2. Fighting (fight) There are classifying video game fighting in the action, but the authors argue differently, this kind does require speed reflexes and hand-eye coordination, but the core of this game is the control of stance (memorized how and smoothly execute), the introduction the character and timing is very important, o yes, combo-became essential to defeat the opponent as quickly as possible. And as different as action games in general are generally only against the Artificial Intelligence or a term generally against the computer alone, players of this new type of fighting game actually proven ability to fight other players. Series Street Fighter, Tekken, Mortal Kombat, Soul Calibur and King of Fighter is an example.

3. Action - Adventure. Entering the underground cave, jump over the lava rocks, swinging from one tree to another tree, wrestle with the snake while looking for the key to open the door of the legendary temples, or just looking for a pay phone to get the next mission, that some of the many things that the player character must do and go through in this kind of video game. According to the authors, this type of game has evolved a long way to become a mixed genre of action beat-em-up as well, and now, in the 2000s, this type tend to have 3D visuals and the viewpoint of all three. Tomb Rider, Grand Theft Auto and Prince of Persia included.

4. Adventure. The difference with this type of action-adventure video game, reflexes and ingenuity player in moving, running, jumping to flog or shoot is not necessary here. Video Games pure adventure more emphasis on storyline and the ability to think the players in a visually analyze, solve puzzles and concluded a series of events and conversations character to use appropriate objects in the right place. Including:
a. Adventure with text or point-and-click system, for example: Kings Quest, Space Quest, Quest Heroes, Monkey Island, Sam and Max,
b.Novel or interactive films, such as the game "dating" that many in Japan, Dragons Lair and Night Trap.

5. Simulation, construction and management. Video games of this type often depict the world in it as close as possible to the real world and pay attention to the details of various factors. Of seeking a mate and a job, build a house, building up the city, set taxes and city funds to the decision to fire or add employees. World of domestic life to build a business conglomerate, from selling lemonade roadside to build cloning laboratory. This kind of video game makes the player must think to establish, build and solve the problem using limited funds. Example: Sim City, The Sims, Tamagotchi.

6. Role Playing. Video games of this type according to the translation, playing the role, having an emphasis on character / role player representatives in the game, which usually is the main character, which as we play, the character can change and evolve in the desired direction the player (usually becomes more severe , the stronger, more powerful, etc.) in a variety of parameters which are usually determined by an increased level of both of the status of intelligence, speed and strength of character, the more powerful weapons, or the number of friends and being peliharaan.Secara culture, Japanese game developers usually create a Role Playing Game (RPG) in the direction of a linear story that is directed as our character is a character in the story, such as Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest and Xenogears. While the European RPG game developers, tend to make our characters are free to choose the way the story itself is non-linear, such as Ultima, Never Winter Nights, Baldurs gate, Elder Scrolls and Fallout.

7. Strategy. The opposite of a video game type of action that runs fast and need lightning reflexes, video game type of strategy, like playing chess, it requires more skill to think and decide every move carefully and planned. Video game strategy usually gives players control over not just one person but a minimum group of people with various types of abilities, to vehicles, even up to the construction of various buildings, factories and Water Tower Theater combat training, depending on the theme of the story. Player strategy game from the viewpoint see more widespread and more to the fore with a game that is usually longer and relaxed than action games. The elements of the game are usually revolve around, the priorities, the laying of troops, seek and utilize the resources (money, iron, wood, oil, etc.), to purchase and upgrade's lawyer or technological forces. This type of game is divided into:
a.Real time Strategy, the game runs in real time and simultaneously between all parties and the player must decide every step taken when it also coincided possible when the opposing party also is executing its strategy. Example: Starcraft, Warcraft and Command and Conquer.
b.Turn based Strategy, a game that runs in turns, when we make decisions and move the troops, when the party opposed to waiting, and vice versa, like chess.
example: Front Mission, Super Robot Wars, Final Fantasy tactics, Heroes of might and magic, Master of Orion.

Actually there is a sort longer a kind of tactical and strategic, but the authors tend to combine them because the difference is only in the matter of scale and to the seeming complexity in the management of its resources only.

8. Puzzle. Video games of this type as the name cored on puzzle solving, be it the Block, equating color ball, solve mathematical calculations, through a maze, to push the city into the proper place, it's all included in this type. Often this type of game is also an element in a video game adventure games and educational games. Tetris, Minesweeper, Bejeweled, Sokoban and Bomberman.

9. Simulation vehicle. This type of video game or interactivity experience as close as possible to the original vehicle, the vehicle sometimes muskipun still experimental or even fictional, but there is a special emphasis on detailed and realistic experience using the vehicle. Divided into several types:
a. War. Vehicle simulation video game was popular in the 90s it invites players to board the vehicle and fight against other vehicles. And most of them have the same title as the name of the vehicle. Example: 64 Apache, Comanche, Abrams, YF-23, F-16 fighting eagle.
b. Racing. From the name it is clear, who is up first at the finish line he was the winner! Sometimes even the player can choose the vehicle, dress, engine upgrades and even paint it. Example: Top Gear, Test Drive, Sega Rally Championship, Daytona, Grand Turismo, Need For Speed, Mario Cart, ManxTT.
c. Outer Space. Although they can be categorized vehicle simulation war, but all the elements of science fiction and many outstanding titles make this subgenre worth categorized outside the vehicle simulation war. This type allows players to roam space, at war with an alien creature, landing in the middle of nowhere planet or just want to feel how to be a captain in your favorite science fiction films. Example: Wing Commander, Freelancer, Star Wars X-Wing, Star Wars Tie Fighter, etc.
d. Mecha. The notion that hardly anyone exposed by Japanese robot movie when his dream did not want to control the robot, it is difficult to argue. Popularized by the MechWarrior series by Activision, subgenre Mecha simulation allows players to control the robot and use it to destroy the building, helicopters and of course the other robots. Example: MechWarrior, Gundam Last Chronicles war, and Armored Core.

10. Sports. Clear concise, play sports in your PC or console. Usually the game as realistic as possible cultivated although sometimes there are add fictional elements such as NBA JAM. Examples were clear, Winning Eleven Series, NBA series, FIFA series, John Madden NFL, Lakers vs. Celtics, Tony hawk pro skater, etc.

1. Multiplayer Online. Games are another trend in Indonesia and the world, becoming one of the turning point why the game world and the internet in Indonesia can develop. And because it is played online and by using voucher payment system, piracy is not an issue anymore. Games that can be played simultaneously by more than 2 people (even can reach tens of thousands of people at a time) to make players can play together in a virtual world than just chat to kill the dragon with friends who either play anywhere. Generally this type of game played on a PC and themed RPG, although there is also the theme of music or action. Example: Ragnarok online, O2Jam, World of Warcraft, Let's Dance, Lineage, Rose online

2. Casual games. As the name implies, it's a casual game is not complex, relaxed and very easy game to learn (even tend to live can be played). This type usually requires a standard computer specifications in their time and size is not more than 100 MB because usually you can download a demo version of its official website. Genre or action puzzle game usually simple and generally can be played using only the mouse (usually another game uses a lot of buttons depending on his game). Example: Diner Dash, Sally Salon, Bejeweled, Zuma, Feeding Frenzy, Insaniquarium.

3. Edugames. Video Games of this type are made with a specific purpose as an educational tool, either for the study is to recognize colors for toddlers, recognize letters and numbers, math, to learn a foreign language. Developers who make it, should take into account a variety of things that this game can really educate, increase knowledge and improve skills play. Target segmentation players must also be adjusted to the level of difficulty and visual design or animation. Example Edugames: Bobi Ball, Dora the explorer, Adventure Billy and Tracy.

4. Advergames. Frequently visit the website of your favorite brands? M & M chocolate candies, Coca-Cola, Nike, A-Mild, or Rexona? You'll find games that can be played then can you tell / invite directly to your friends. the type of game that is usually played this easy carrying and display of products or brand them as overt and hidden. In the era of new media growth of high-tech today, the advertising world was no longer limited to TV, newspapers, magazines, billboards and radio, video games now have a means to advertise or build effective brand awareness. Either via the Internet or at play in their events, Edugames feels increasingly necessary to attract potential consumers for products that use this advergames. Examples of products in Indonesia which makes advergames: A-Mild, teens Rexona, Axe

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